Sunday, August 8, 2010

Central core modification - First attempt

Comments from Phil and Joe

The comments from Phil was positive and he thought i have no fundamental problems. Some comments obtained as followed:

1. the scale of the hotel complex is a bit too large. could have some considerations on how many stages the project could be constructed. Maybe cut in a hlaf for each stage (2 stages) or an arm for each stage (10 stages) because each arm have a similar functions and each has inclusive funtions.
2. One bedroom in typ1 has no window.
3. thinking in section. The section can be smoothen more rather than sharp edges. and he thought some roof parts will have water harvesting and odur probems.

Comments from Joe:
1. Too many lifts
2. it could be good to have more cohesive connections of the central core and the balconies of the hotel rooms typ2. How they can help each other?
3. He suggested the central core could be the model of public space for the first project.

Master Studio B Started

The first project this semsester is required to build a physical model to demonstrate a public space and a private space. The public space selected in my design was the central core of the hotel complex. The user analysis of the public space within the Hotel Complex as followed:

1. The "public" meant in my project is consist of the local Queenslanders and international visitors. Within the genre of local, they include people from different ages, genders, interests and classes; the interantional tourists include people have various cultural background, perceptions and mindset.
2. The physical activities are various due to the large amount of occupant types. However, the emotional activities are mainly about recreation for the public visitors and stressed and rush for the staff and crew member.
3. The values for the hotel complex should be associated with the activities listed above. The belief is the hotel complex should offer a sense of home and freedom which is different from home offered. The values of the hotel are providing qualities hospitality services and recreational options for the visitors. Sometimes the hotel also acts as a role model for the hospitality industry and demonstrate a positive image of the local to international visitors.
4. The architetcural response of those values and beliefs should pleasant and a reflection of the contemporary Australian culture in some way. Also, the services offered could be innnovative and fit the needs for the occupants.