The hotel complex is a place for recreational use and it mainly serves a great number of tourists from all over the world and local Queenslanders. To identify the Brisbane Airport as a gateway of Brisbane and Queensland, the complex will offers the positive and international image to the occupants in Brisbane Airport. Therefore, the overall design parameters are:
· The planning parameters of the hotel complex will follow the guidelines of the stated strategies, the Building Code Australia, the design guides for environmental strategies. The requirements of the emergency vehicular access and other building services management and maintenance shall be oberved.
· The overall internal design should be human proportional and a user friendly and intimate environment, such as the convenient access system should also be provided.
· The design development shall demonstrate high quality aesthetic and functional tourist attractive airport precinct.
· The building height shall be considered to ensure the fluent flow of flight.
· The hotel complex should achieve cohesive and harmonious built form to provide the services for business, leisure, tourists and transportation and it should embellish the existing landscape.
· The building should maximise views to the Moreton Bay, the Brisbane CBD and other surroundings.
· The hotel shall integrate with the conserved open spaces and vegetated spaces. The proposed integrations, such as plazas, observation points, covered walkway and son on, should enhance the aesthetical and functional attractiveness.
· All the public spaces should cater for various users’ needs, including the disabled.
· The built environment should be safe and easily accessible by adopting appropriate vertical transportation systems, displaying signs and way-finding floor patterns, and using artificial lighting.
· Appropriate ratio of public spaces and private spaces is crucial.
In addition, the design of the hotel complex will be more focus on fabrication theme. Therefore, the tectonics and constrution methodologies are one of the siginificant key issues to be considered in the design process. The following possible ideas on tectonics and construction design are listed.
1. Material Use
The materials will considerably appropriate for certain manufacture methods and easy to apply in the building design. The materials will be carefully chosen to achieve the aesthetic aspects, postitive environmental aspects and occupant safety aspects of the hotel. Due to the climate change and overload of fossil energy, the materials will be highly recyclable and manufactured locally with embodied energy as less as possible.
2. Construction Methodologies
The construction of the hotel complex will need to be affordable to contribute the heavy duty of the hotel services in the forecasting future. The hotel complex will be a static and long life spanned building. Therefore, the construction systems will achieve the best performance in construction durability. At the same time, the hotel complex will also meet the needs for future deelopment, such as the airport extent and infrastructure improvements. Therefore, the building will also partly adaptable and the building site will be conserve areas for future uses.